Verify a Smart Contract

Verify your smart contract on Gravity Alpha Mainnet

For hardhat users, you will need to change your hardhat.config.ts to something like the following example:

  etherscan: {
    apiKey: {
      // ...
      // Not required. Can be any non-empty string
      gravity: "abc",
    customChains: [
      // ...
        network: "gravity",
        chainId: 1625,
        urls: {
          apiURL: "",
          browserURL: "",
          // For Blockscout
          // apiURL: "",
          // browserURL: "",
  networks: {
    // ...
    gravity: {
      url: "",
      chainId: 1625,

For foundry users, we recommend you to use scripts to deploy your contracts. You will need to configure the foundry.toml file as the following:

# Gravity explorer does not require an API key, any non-empty string will do.
# gscan
gravity = { key = "abc", url="", chain = 1625 }
# Blockscout
# gravity = { key = "abc", url="", chain = 1625 }

Then you when you run your scripts, you can verify contracts deployed with --verify option.

forge script --chain 1625 script/YOUR_SCRIPT.s.sol:YOUR_SCRIPT --rpc-url $GRAVITY_RPC_URL --broadcast --verify -vvvv

NOTE: If contracts were deployed successfully but verification failed, DO NOT delete the broadcast/ directory. You can resume the verification process by removing the --broadcast option and providing the deployment transaction sender's key like below: (or you can configure it in cast):

forge script --chain 1625 script/YOUR_SCRIPT.s.sol:YOUR_SCRIPT --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY --rpc-url  $GRAVITY_RPC_URL --verify -vvvv

Last updated

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